We can endure hunger for a long time, but it is very difficult for us to endure thirst. We want to drink water as soon as we feel thirsty. Animals are like us. Animals suffer greatly when they do not get enough water.
On the other hand, not getting enough water has a very negative effect on milk production. We don’t feel like eating when we are dehydrated. This theory is equally valid for animals. An animal that does not get enough water is not interested in eating.
By rearing a dairy cow, we expect high production. In order to produce more milk, the nutritional needs of the cow must be increased. Eat enough for that. Animals’ appetite decreases when they are without water. Feed intake of animals increases through adequate water supply. Then the nutritional level increases and the inevitable result is an increase in milk production.
How to know the required amount?
Among the land-dwelling milk-drinking animals, the largest amount of water is consumed not by large animals such as elephants and hippopotamuses, but by modern dairy cows. Accordingly, on average, a milking cow drinks between 100-180 liters of water per day.
We do not have the same amount of water every day. In hot weather, you need to drink more water. Also, on a day when we are more tired, we have to drink more water. Also, the amount of water we need to drink varies depending on the food we eat. The water requirement of cows also varies depending on many factors such as the type of animal, weight, pregnancy, environmental temperature, type of feed, milk production, disease conditions, etc.
Generally, dairy cows drink the most water after milking or during feeding. However, cows tend to drink water whenever they need it. Cows usually drink water 7-12 times a day.
When observing the farm, it appears that the majority of dairy cows raised in our country do not get enough water. In many cases, we see how the farmer brings water several times a day, including when taking milk. But it is not a very successful method.
The most efficient way is to provide enough clean water for the animal to drink at any time.
Water bowls..
Depending on the size of the animal, it is best to set water bowls 24-30 inches above the level of the polo. A height of only 24 inches is sufficient for animals of smaller varieties such as Jerseys.
Usually it is best to set up water containers that automatically fill up when providing water around the clock. Such water containers should be at least three inches deep. Through this, cattle can be allowed to drink freely by dipping only two inches of water into the water as they usually drink water.
By providing enough water, milk production increases and through this, the profit from raising cattle can be increased. On the other hand, the animal is also able to inherit a comfortable life.
It is our duty and responsibility to provide enough water to the animals we care for.
Let’s change..
Let’s resolve to make the small changes needed for a profitable dairy farm