Early weaning of heifers…

The birth of a heifer on the farm is one of the happiest things for a dairy farmer. It is the greatest hope of the farmers to see the calf grow up healthy and well. But unfortunately, in our country, newborn babies are prone to many diseases.
When they get sick, they have to pay for the treatment and in some cases, the chicks die due to the aggravation of the disease. Even if they recover through treatment, the growth of those calves may be stunted due to complications caused by the disease. Then the calf will not become a good milker. All these conditions adversely affect the profitability of dairy farming.
Calves are relatively weak in disease resistance at the time of birth. This situation is one of the reasons for the prevalence of diseases among calves. Many of these conditions can be prevented with proper management. Giving the first milk properly at the time of birth of the calf can be called the main activity that contributes to prevent diseases of the calves.

What is this original milk?
The first milk from a cow that gives birth to a calf is called colostrum. They are thicker and yellow in color than normal kri. In addition to the nutritional components normally found in milk, colostrum contains many components that are important for the growth and protection of the calf. Antibodies, which contribute to fighting diseases, can be considered as the most important component among these.

Antibodies are protein molecules that fight and destroy pathogens when they enter the body. If the maximum possible amount of antibodies can be ingested at the beginning, immunity against many diseases can be created in the calf’s body.

The ideal time to breastfeed….
Antibodies contained in colostrum are able to be absorbed by the digestive tract of a newborn calf without being digested. This ability is lost with time and usually after about twenty four hours, that ability is lost. The greatest ability to absorb antibodies is in the first two hours after birth. That is why we should always try to give at least three liters of colostrum in the first two hours after birth. The more you can give, the better.
Adequate protection can be ensured by giving another two to three liters over the next ten to twelve hours. Accordingly, at least six liters of initial milk should have been given during the first day.

Among them, it is very important to give the maximum possible amount of colostrum in the first six hours.

Making sure that you get the right amount of colostrum…
Sucking the calf and giving it to drink is the most convenient way of early milking, but it is difficult to know for sure if there is enough early milk. Usually, a calf needs to suckle milk for at least twenty minutes to drink two liters, so you can get some idea through that. But it is best to give the right amount of early milk doa to the calf.

Cleanliness – Since the immunity of newborn animals is very weak, they may become sick if they ingest poisonous seeds while giving milk. That is why maximum hygienic methods should be followed during milking.
Let’s work to increase the profitability of the farm by preventing illness and death of the new born calves through giving the right amount, properly and clean first milk.


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